Visitor management

Solutions for smart reception management

Visitor management

Solutions for smart reception management


PhotoGuest: a dedicated module for the secure and efficient management of visitor accreditation

PhotoGuest is a web-based application developed to facilitate the management of visitor accreditation and access processes in a structured and integrated way. Our solution features a modular architecture and integrates seamlessly with different services, including access control and badge production systems.

Thanks to innovative technologies and a centralised repository, PhotoGuest automates and simplifies workflows, authenticating regular visitors and recording occasional ones, creating a detailed history of visits.

Visitor accreditation processes are optimised through totems or tablets for self-check-in, enhancing the company’s image. The native integration of access control services, credential production, and customisation options make PhotoGuest the ideal choice for corporate and enterprise environments.

visitor management

visitor accreditation

booking visits


Modular Architecture for a complete and versatile service

Information Forms

This functionality allows visitors to be informed about relevant procedures and regulations during their stay at the company. The information can be presented as text, graphics, or videos, with the option to request confirmation of having read and / or signed it. Examples include accepting privacy regulations, viewing safety procedures, and signing confidentiality clauses.

Signing or viewing information forms can have a temporal value and be binding for enabling accesses or company areas. All collected information is saved, forming the Register of Consents and Views, which can be consulted and verified whenever.


System integration and functionality


The visitor management platform is developed on the SCS application framework and communicates constantly with it. The system seamlessly integrates with all Employee and Visitor Registries, Credential Management, and Access Control functions.


The application is customisable according to specific needs, making it ideal for companies that require an expanded concept of visitor management to include smart control of transport entries and exits.

Responsive design

PhotoGuest is built with responsive design methodologies. All functionalities are accessible via smartphones or tablets, regardless of form factor or operating system.


Features and benefits

01.  Simplification of the accreditation and authorisation process

02. Self-check-in/check-out with complete integration with multimedia devices

03.  Management of the subscription and viewing of information modules that can be customised and configured by the customer

04. Integration with the MultiAccess access control system and PhotoBase badge production systems

05. Historical record of events and data related to visits with structured reporting

06. Reduction of reception operation costs through automation

Do you want to access our solutions?

PhotoGuest: a dedicated module for the secure and efficient management of accreditation activities


Visitor accreditation is essential for access control in corporate, institutional, or public environments. It involves identifying and authorising visitors so they can access the areas where their visit will take place in a controlled and safe manner.

PhotoGuest includes a module dedicated to managing visitor accreditation processes, simplifying all reception activities and offering total control over the flow of visitors entering and exiting the relevant locations.

PhotoGuest: a module dedicated to managing reservations by staff authorised to receive visits


To facilitate reception operations and streamline accreditation procedures, the Visit Booking module allows each authorised person to plan and manage their bookings independently. Through the web application, the contact person—i.e., the individual within the company who organises the visit—enters the booking with all the necessary data. The visitor then receives a communication with all the appointment details, as well as a unique identification code that will allow them to register at the agreed location.

The Visit Booking module offers complete control over scheduled visits. The contact person independently manages the appointments, with the capability to consult, suspend, or cancel them. All reservations are always visible and accessible in real-time by the relevant receptions.

PhotoGuest: Solutions for centralised computerisation and automation of visitor booking, reception, and access flows to company offices


The Virtual Reception Module was developed to facilitate reception operations by offering visitors the possibility to independently confirm and fill in their data through an extremely intuitive interface on multimedia devices such as totems and tablets, available at the company’s access areas.

This module allows for an increased service perimeter, extending to sites without a reception or receptions not active during guest arrival times.


By setting up accreditation stations on tablets or totems, visitors can not only register by entering their data but also view and accept privacy regulations, watch multimedia content, fill out questionnaires, sign information forms, and, only at the end, receive credentials to access the office independently or be accompanied by their contact person.

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