Access Control

Centralised and real-time access management

Access Control

Centralised and real-time access management


MultiAccess: a web-based, modular, and customisable software dedicated to access control

We specialise in access and identity control. In 2004, the year of our foundation, we developed the first completely web-based version of MultiAccess, and since then, we have continually implemented new features and solutions.

MultiAccess enables real-time acquisition, validation, and monitoring of employee, collaborator, visitor, and vehicle transits based on pre-established rules and authorisations. Corporate security and safety depend on an efficient access control system that ensures total control at all times, even during emergencies. Our application addresses these needs with an open, customisable platform for multi-company and multi-site use.

Access Control

Access control for remote offices

emergency management and collection points

management of parking areas

Access Control, Management, and Supervision


Our software features an intuitive user interface accessible from any device. The responsive design ensures seamless operation and an optimal user experience, whether on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.


For each user, it is possible to enter identification data into the register. If vehicle checks are required, vehicle data can be associated with individual users, along with relevant parking information. The entire system is configured based on specific access logic to meet the needs of each organization.


MultiAccess consolidates all access control functions into a single centralised platform. That allows you to view, in real-time, all accesses made and authorisations granted for each user. The software enables you to define access policies based on user identity, authentication device, physical zones, and authorised time slots.


Our access control solutions provide comprehensive real-time management. At any moment, even in the most complex geographical contexts, you can see who is present in the company or at the collection points in case of an emergency. All management, operational control, and real-time reporting functions integrate into a single platform.


Features and benefits

01. Centralisation of control for multi-company and multi-site entities

02. Real-time control

03. Neutrality in the integration of control devices installed in the field

04. Modular architecture, integrated and scalable at any time

05. Guarantee of service continuity even in the event of network connectivity problems

06. Management of advanced control scenarios such as antipassback, access conditions, accompanied and accompanying persons, interlocks, etc.

07. Structured and hierarchical definition of access policies

08. Graphic map localisation of any event or element

09. Advanced and customisable reporting

Do you want to access our solutions?

RemAccess: an application for the remote management of access requests to unattended offices


RemAccess centralises security and reception activities in a single control room, enabling security operators to manage access requests to factories and technological systems outside or far from the company perimeter.

The solution enables remote management of access requests from multiple unmanned locations, ensuring complete and accurate identification of the person requesting entry. This is achieved through audio communication and by comparing information and images from the company database with live views from context cameras. Once identity and authorization are verified, the security operator provides access credentials or directly opens the gate. This process is seamless, fast, and efficient, centralising security functions without the need for on-site staff.

The goal of RemAccess is to integrate the various functions previously managed by multiple on-site operators into one unified system, thereby enhancing overall efficiency.

MultiAccess: Integration of the Emergency Management Module to address critical issues


The MultiAccess access control system has been upgraded with an additional module specifically designed to manage evacuations and assembly points during emergencies. This solution allows for the identification of personnel responsible for handling critical situations and the designation of appropriate meeting areas.

In an alarm situation, emergency management personnel can activate predefined evacuation procedures. Gates corresponding to escape routes can be unlocked manually or automatically to facilitate and expedite the evacuation procedure. At the collection point, staff are identified automatically through reading heads positioned on-site, if available. For those without a badge or mobile credentials, the Emergency Management officer manually confirms their presence using registers synchronised in real-time with the MultiAccess Access Control system.

Do you want to access our solutions?

MultiAccess: A module for efficient control of vehicle access and parking


Our access control solution can be expanded to manage vehicle entry and parking at company sites. It automates vehicle access and oversees parking areas through real-time monitoring. Vehicles can be identified using UHF tags or number plate recognition technology.

This solution offers a range of benefits. It automatically manages parking spaces by tracking the vehicles already present, with real-time information displayed on a screen. You can tailor the system based on vehicle characteristics, such as the company they belong to or their type. It also allows for granting access to pre-registered visitors via their vehicles, boosting security and appearance. Additionally, it provides real-time reports with detailed data on access, movements through specific gates or areas, user activity, invalid access attempts, and more.

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