
Our commitment to integrity and transparency


Organizational Model 231/2001, GDPR or EU Reg. 2016/679 and Integrated Management System ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

For Digitronica.IT, Compliance means fairness and ethics in the course of its daily activities. It is not just respect or compliance to the law, it is working transparently with the primary objective of continuous improvement in all business processes, acting with responsibility and loyalty towards all stakeholders which are involved in business activities, monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of business activities overall.

The Organizational Management and Control Model in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 (MOGC 231) is an integral element of all company processes, as for the implementation of the GDPR n. 2016/679 or General Data Protection Regulation and the ISO 9001 and 27001 Integrated Management System (Quality Management System and Information Security System). 
In Digitronica.IT, Compliance follows step by step the Deming Cycle or PDCA (Plan Do Check Act), taking care of the management of individual activities in order that they can be planned, performed, verified and controlled with accuracy and conformity. Every single process, every single procedure must be performed in compliance with Model 231, with the GDPR and with the QMS, following the regulations, such as the Compliance with the Company Ethic Code.

Through Compliance, Digitronica.IT wants to make perceptible to all stakeholders,
the working method, its working integrity and the related “modus procedendi”,
which are essential requirements for the company’s going concern.

The “General Conditions of Contract” is an integral part of this process, serving as a contractual document that regulates relationships between the parties.

Furthermore, the Company has adopted MOGC 231, laying the foundations for greater internal awareness based on an analysis of the company structure and processes considered at risk, i.e., the entire organizational system. This resulted in the implementation of MOGC 231, composed as follows:

  1. General Part: identifies the structural characteristics as well as the methods of creating and disseminating the model within our company.
  2. Special Part: details the structure of powers and the delegation system, along with a specific examination of the risks related to individual predicate crimes.
  3. Code of Ethics of Conduct: outlines the rules that everyone involved in the business activity must comply with, as well as the disciplinary system in case of non-compliance.

The so-called Whistleblowing protocol regulates the voluntary disclosure by an individual, known as the “reporter”, of an offence or irregularity committed by the entity/company, which they have witnessed in the course of their duties. Following the implementation of EU Directive 2019/1937 on Whistleblowing, the company has established specific reporting channels to ensure proper communication methods for all who become aware of illegal or unethical acts within the organisation.

The procedure applies to both the management of relevant reports under the Whistleblowing Decree and Legislative Decree No. 231/2001, as well as the management of ordinary reports. For the latter, a different regime applies concerning the protections provided by the Whistleblowing Decree. At Digitronica.IT, as of today, reports can only concern illicit conduct relevant to regulation 231 or violations of the Model. The Supervisory Body of Digitronica.IT S.p.A. oversees the process for managing reports related to the company, without prejudice to the responsibilities and prerogatives of the Board of Statutory Auditors on reports addressed to it, including those pursuant to Article 2408 of the Civil Code. For further information, please refer to the specific information provided under Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.

The Organizational Models, the SGI, and compliance with the GDPR are manifestations of corporate “compliance“. They address the need for risk prevention and the avoidance of any form of irregularity in operations. This approach not only limits the risk of committing certain types of crimes but also ensures proper functioning within the entire organisation in a trained and organised manner. Trust and fair working are the foundations of Digitronica.IT’s corporate culture and reputation.